Writing Contest: Exploring 'Beneficial General Intelligence'

To commemorate the launch of Beneficial General Intelligence (BGI) Summit, Mindplex Social in collaboration with BGI, is announcing an all-new writing competition, "Beneficial General Intelligence.” We invite writers from all over the world to share their visions of a world where Beneficial Artificial Intelligence reigns supreme and is helping humanity flourish. It doesn’t matter whether it's a utopia, dystopia, or something in between, we want to hear your views. Let your imagination run wild and transport us to the Social Media of tomorrow.

$650 in total prizes: 

  • First prize of $200
  • Second prize of $175
  • Third prize of $150
  • Fourth prize of $125.

The contest is open to all across the world.

Essential Guidelines:

  • Theme: All entries must revolve around the theme "Beneficial General intelligence" This can be interpreted in any way the writer sees fit, but the story should give readers a glimpse into a possible future where BGI is helping human civilization in all aspects of life.
  • Word Count: Entries should be between 1,000 and 2000 words.
  • Originality: All submissions must be original, unpublished works. Plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification.
  • Formatting: Check your content for spelling and major grammatical errors. Make sure there is a structure to the content for example, use of section headings.
  • Cite your sources: Any data, quotes, or information taken from external sources should be properly attributed. Use reputable and reliable sources. Avoid using Wikipedia as a primary reference. Hyperlink to the original source when referencing online materials.
  • Images and Graphics: Include high-quality images or graphics that are relevant to the content. Ensure you have the right to use any images or graphics you include. Provide proper attribution if required. Avoid using copyrighted images without permission.
  • Language: All entries must be written in English. This is a limitation of our editorial capacities. We welcome stories that incorporate other languages as long as the main narrative is in English.
  • Age Limit: Participants under the age of 18 must have parental consent to participate.
  • Genres: You can write on any topic from this page. We have also added a few more genres, including:
    • Beneficial General Intelligence
    • Web3 with AI/AGI/BGI.
    • Techtainment (Technology+entertainment) with the theme revolving around BGI.
    • CyberCulture (cyber funk/punk) with the theme revolving around AI/AGI/BGI.
    • Philosophy+technology (with the theme revolving around AI/AGI/BGI.)
    • AI/Blockchain - with the theme revolving around Social Media.
    • Crypto - How AI/AGI/BGI can help the crypto sector boost efficiency and minimize the involvement of bad players.

How to Contribute:

1. Registration

   - Visit our website.

   - Sign up to create an account. You can also register using a Google or Facebook account.

2. Submission

Follow this link to the contribution form and fill it out. You can also Email us your submissions at [email protected]


  • After registering, you will receive a username. Include your username in the filename.
  • Fill out the contribution form with the subject line "Submission: Title [Your User name]."
  • All files must be uploaded in either PDF or DOCX format. You can also include a link to a Google Doc.

3. Feedback

  • All participants will receive feedback on their submissions after the judging process is complete.
    • We don’t judge your articles, readers do. Once your articles are published, our AI-driven Reputation Engine will rate your articles based on user interactions. The more readers comment and react positively, the more your Reputation score will be. In the end, the articles with the most Reputation Points (MPXR) will win.
  • Top entries will receive detailed critiques from our panel of readers.

4. Prizes

  • First prize of $200
  • Second prize of $175
  • Third prize of $150
  • Fourth prize of $125.

5. Timeline

  • Submission Deadline: 15th March 2024
  • Winners Announcement: 25th - 31st March, 2024

6. Queries

We look forward to reading your visions of the future. Best of luck to all participants!